On Friday afternoons 2-4pm (London Time), I have unofficial office hours where students are welcome walk in (currently virtually via Zoom). Send me a quick email to tom.taiyi.yan@ucl.ac.uk and I’ll reply with the Zoom link.
I can help in the following ways 1) look at your writing and give you feedback. As someone who didn’t speak English as a first language, I received (and still receive) a lot of writing help from others and I’d be more than happy to pay it forward and look at your writing; 2) discuss research: point you towards certain papers, give some basic info about grad school, and/or brainstorming in general; 3) talk about your career: this is less about me giving advice because I’m not equipped with decades of industry experiences. What I can do is to help you clarify your own plan and figure out what the logical next steps are; 4) if you are looking to chat with someone with Chinese cultural background, or someone who’s familiar with China/US/UK.